1.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all services offered by Lingua Express d.o.o., having its registered office at Petrinjska 47, 10 000 Zagreb (hereinafter referred to as the “Author”) and all legal relations between the Author and the Client and all business terms and conditions referred to, offered or proposed by the Client, except where the Author provides its specific permission to use other business terms and conditions.
1.2. In case an order is placed by e-mail, phone or personally at the office of Lingua Express d.o.o., the Client shall be considered to have read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
1.3. To receive a non-binding indicative quote free of charge, the Client must deliver the text to be translated, provide instructions regarding the language pair (from which language into which language), a specific query regarding proofreading of the text, and define the final time our translation needs to be delivered, as well as any other requirements they may have. A translation query and our non-binding quote are not treated as a confirmed order because the validity of an order is conditional upon on confirmation of our non-binding indicative quote by e-mail or personally at the office of Lingua Express d.o.o. by completing and signing a work order, within such times and subject to such requirements as indicated in our quote or our work order.
1.4. The number of characters refers to the number of characters of translated text.
1.5 When translating, we use the standard vocabulary of the language into which the text is being translated. If you have your own vocabulary you would like to be used and/or if your company uses specific vocabulary or where a specific industry requires the use of specific vocabulary, please provide us with an example of such vocabulary so that we could align the translation with it. If you fail to do this, we will not accept any complaints about the translation in connection with the vocabulary used.
2.1. The Author shall perform all services ordered proficiently, i.e. to the best of its ability, knowledge and competence, within the specified time limit. If the Author is unable to meet a time limit, the Author must notify the Client thereof in advance.
2.2. The Author makes no warranty regarding the accuracy of the information provided on www.jeftini-prijevodi.com, which is purely indicative, and assumes no direct or indirect liability for any damages or any other liability for any errors in completed translations or any other completed services.
2.3. The translation shall be delivered to the Client in one copy by e-mail, on a CD or as a printed document. Unless otherwise agreed, the Author shall deliver the translated text by e-mail.
2.4. The Author warrants that any company or business information of the Client shall be treated as strictly confidential with respect to the originals delivered and in verbal and written translations, and shall not make it available to any third party under any circumstances.
2.5. If so requested by the Author, the Client shall appoint a contact person whom the Author will be able to contact in case anything is unclear regarding the terminology, i.e. a person who shall, to the extent possible, provide the Author with additional literature in the language into which the text is being translated. Otherwise, the Author shall use the literature available to it.
2.6. In case of translations to be printed in media, the Author recommends linguistic proofreading. The Author assumes no responsibility in case of any complaints about texts that have not been proofread, but have been published in printed or any other public media. Such linguistic proofreading is available from the Author as an optional service.
2.7. Unless specifically prohibited by the Client, the Author shall be entitled to name the Client in its references. The Author shall store all information about its Clients in accordance with the legislation concerning the storage of personal data. By accepting the quote, the Client shall be considered to have agreed to the use of such data for statistical and quote notification purposes. If this is not acceptable to the Client, they may make a statement to that effect at the time of placing the order.
2.8. After the service is provided, the Client must inspect the translation delivered and may within eight (8) days of receiving the translation submit a written complaint. The submission of such complaint shall not release the Client from their payment obligation. In case the Client fails to submit their complaint within the statutory time limit, the Author shall not consider such complaint. In case of a larger number of translated pages (over 100 pages of translation), the Client shall be entitled to an extended time limit for submitting their complaint, which shall not exceed 15 days following the service performance date. In case the Client fails to meet the time limit for submitting their complaint, the Author shall not consider such complaint. We make no warranties for the quality of a translation we are required to provide within an unduly short time, at specific request of the Client.
2.9. All specified and agreed dates and times of translation delivery and all dates and times of completion of translations or any other services shall be approximate. In case of any delay in the delivery of a translation, the Client may not refuse delivery of such translation or performance of the service and cancel the service. The Author shall under no circumstances be held responsible for the consequences of any delay in the delivery of a translation or performance of a service.
2.10. The Client shall send the text to be translated in an editable format. If such format cannot be edited, the Author shall not be responsible for the loss of the original format after the translation is completed.
3.1. Any estimates of costs and prices provided by the Author shall not be binding upon it. The Author reserves the right to vary its prices or terms of delivery if it did not have access to the entire text to be translated before making its quote.
3.2. The time limit for completing a translation shall be defined after the text is received. The translation time shall be exclusive of weekends and holiday, the order placement date and the delivery date.
3.2. If the Client accepts, verbally or in writing, the Author’s quote or Author’s written confirmation of accepting the Client’s order in case the Author provides no quote, this shall constitute entry into contract.
3.3. “Client” shall be considered by the Author to refer to any natural or legal person ordering a service, except where such person specifically states they are acting for and on behalf of a third party, whose name and address shall be provided by such person to the Author at the time of quote preparation and such person shall provide evidence of such third party’s consent thereto.
3.4. Any arrangements made with or promises made by Author’s representatives or employees shall not be binding upon the Author unless the Author confirms such arrangements in writing.
3.5. In case of any doubt as to the Client’s ability to pay, orders of large volume, orders from private or foreign Clients and in any other case the Author finds it necessary, the Author may require that the Client make an advance payment or prepay the service before the order is completed. Natural persons must always make the relevant payment in advance.
4.1. Services shall be charged for in accordance with the Author’s pricelist applicable on the contract execution date or, as an exception, in accordance with the prices specifically agreed upon with the Client in writing.
4.2. The prices specified in the pricelist are exclusive of VAT and only apply to translations. Any optional services such as text editing, proofreading or the like shall be charged for separately, the prices to be defined at Author’s sole discretion.
4.3. The minimum billing unit of written text is one (1) standard translation page. Such standard translation page has 1500 computer-calculated characters with spaces.
4.4. Subject to a special service agreement, regular business partners may be allowed permanent discounts.
4.5. Additional discounts may be allowed for larger amount of text.
5.1. The Client shall pay the agreed amount for the service rendered within eight (8) days. Such payment may only be made to Author’s bank account. In case of default, the Author shall add statutory default interest.
5.2. The Client shall not use the translated text before it pays the invoice received from the Author in full. Until such time the invoice is paid, the translation and all copyrights attached to the translated text shall remain property of the Author. After the invoice is paid, all copyrights shall belong to the Client.
5.3. If the Client wishes to cancel a service already ordered before the agreed time, they may only do so by giving a written notice thereof. In that case, the Client shall compensate the Author for any costs incurred by the Author as a result of such cancelation.
5.4. In case of a legal person, they shall be issued the invoice after the service is completed. In case of major orders (considered as such at Author’s sole discretion), a special payment schedule shall be agreed upon.
5.5. In case the Client fails to pay the amount owned by it after receiving a reminder, the Author may use any debt collection remedy available to it (legal action, involvement of third parties, etc.).
5.6. The minimum order for one language is one (1) standard translation page.
5.7. We add a 10-percent margin for materials not provided electronically.
6.1. The relevant court in Zagreb shall have jurisdiction in case of any dispute between the parties.